Maybe it’s because we had our hey-day in the time right before websites were a thing. Or, maybe we were just Luddites. I don’t really know. But, as rock history would have it, we’ve never had a website. So, twenty years after playing our last show, two firsts are happening. 1) We now have a website! (obviously.) And 2) we will be re-uniting on stage to play a full fledged rock show at Martyrs’ (the site of said final jam.) 

As I type this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Dayton, Ohio, driving myself and my gear up from central Virginia (where I currently reside in bucolic bliss) to spend a couple of weeks in Henry’s guest bedroom while we blow the dust off of some old chestnuts in preparation for the show on August 12th.

That’s exactly two weeks from this entry! We are all totally stoked, and could not feel more lucky to have the opportunity to get up on stage and enjoy each other’s musical presence. And to see a ton of old friends. 

So browse the small site. We’ve got music to listen to, photos to ridicule, and more to come if you feel like getting geared up before the show.

So come on out to Martyrs’ on Sat Aug 12. We will be playing a nice long set of some of our (and your) favorite songs, selling some commemorative shirts, as well as a cool commemorative poster printed by our friends at Smith Printing ( that I will post about soon.

I finish the drive tomorrow, and the countdown to our set time begins! Hope to see a bunch of you there!
